Saturday, August 1, 2009

An Opportunity To Help

Dear Louisian Engineers,

Earlier today, I was pleasantly surprised by an e-mail from our fellow Louisian and board topnotcher Glenda Ramilo-Cabauatan, a former student of mine who is now one of the pillars of the Civil Engineering Faculty at Saint Louis College. Currently, she is the Adviser for the CEA Student Council headed by the Gov. Arrianne Fernandez. Attached on her e-mail and reproduced here in full is a solicitation letter from the CEA and whose content is self-explanatory.
Fellow Louisians in the UAE, please allow me to rally our group and once more appeal for your usual generous donations to support the worthy endeavors of our very own College of Engineering and Architecture. Not everyone, and certainly not so many, are in a position to help like you can - like a mohandesh can. So let us take this as a rare opportunity to show once more that the products of the College of Engineering are the best – doing well and ready to share their blessings – then, now and in the foreseeable future.
Due to the very short notice that we are given, there is not much time left to gather as one to pledge our support. (We can talk and plan about a get-together later). Thus, I have requested the following persons below to receive and transmit your donations directly to the CEA account to be provided by Glenda later. You can also send your donations directly to the same account but the cost of remittance would substantially eat into your donated amount. Rest assured that your donations will be acknowledged individually and transparently on this blogsite.
Engr. Norilyn Castillo (050-2674593)
Engr. Michelle Mayo (050-5031498)
Engr. Angelo Canedo (050-7197418)
Engr. Carlo Chan (050-2857836)
Engr. Ritchie Flores (050-9750141)
and yours truly (050-3543906)

I have also requested Glenda and Arrianne to identify more worthwhile projects other than the Intramurals that our group could support for this school year.
Thank you and best regards to everyone.
Very truly yours,

Engr. Isagani S. Espejo
Louisian 260162
double-click image to enlarge:

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